Units Choice Exhibition

You asked for it, you waited for it for a long time Now, We are pleased to announce that for the first time we’re organising a Units Choice Event For a long time, students could not get a real feedback from each other and understand which unit they definitely would like to do and which is not their kind . Now, you have this opportunity to get a real feedback from your peers and friends, or even more excitingly, you can share your own one! If you want to hear a feedback about specific unit(s), you are welcome to tell us about them using this form: https://goo.gl/forms/tvzppaqyISJZw3kU2 Besides, If you think your opinion and experience (good/neutral/bad) must be shared with other students about particular unit(s) and you would like do so, tell us about it using the same form, as above. Free pizza will be provided!

The Details


13:00 - 14:00

MVB 1.11


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